May 26, 2017

Implementing lean through a tiered response the Lean – Coughlan, Fynes, Keegan, Ledwith

With a particular focus on manufacturing firms in Ireland, this paper explores the overall question: How can the support of lean initiatives in firms be delivered and how is the progression from one stage to the next evident in practice and performance? The aim of this research is to contribute to the literature on lean capabilities and their progression towards maturity.
Lean Start
May 26, 2017

LeanStart Assignment Guidelines for the External Service Provider

Prior to commencement it is advisable for the consultant to contact the Company’s EI Development Advisor for company history and current business plans. On ‘Day 1’ of the assignment the work programme described in the application will be further developed, resulting in agreement on the client commitment, the productivity, and or cost improvement initiative.
May 22, 2017

2015 Environment Management BPG

This guide provides an introduction to the effective environmental management of industrial processes, products & services. The aim of the guide is to introduce Environmental Management, the business benefits it provides and how to implement it in your business.
May 22, 2017

Made in Ireland 4 – Benchmarking Ireland’s SME’s

Irish businesses compete on world Markets. To do this effectively they must be competitive to international levels of performance. Our island location means that they must also overcome the challenges of distance.
May 22, 2017

2016 Becoming Lean Practical Steps to Build Competitiveness

Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across the globe to address competitiveness issues within their businesses, building the capability of their people to identify issues and improve their operations.
May 22, 2017

First Steps to Green Competitiveness Guide – Manufacturing

Enterprise Ireland’s core mission is to work in partnership with its client companies to develop a sustainable competitive advantage leading to a significant increase in profitable sales, exports and employment.
May 22, 2017

First Steps to Green Competitiveness Guidebook for Services/Office Based Companies

Enterprise Ireland’s core mission is to work in partnership with its client companies to develop a sustainable competitive advantage leading to a significant increase in profitable sales, exports and employment.
May 22, 2017

Buying Green! Handbook

Buying Green! is the European Commission's main guidance document to help public authorities to buy goods and services with a lower environmental impact. It is also a reference for policy makers, and companies responding to green tenders.