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WIT Lean Practitioner Seminar Series 2017-2018 – 3rd Seminar – LEAN Accounting: Management accounting in LEAN Environment

December 13, 2017

The presenters contend that traditional management accounting approaches are not relevant in a lean environment, and can even be damaging to the lean proposition. Research suggests that traditional management accounting approaches, in particular standard costing, promote anti-lean behaviour that can undermine the value creation associated with lean. This seminar introduces the concept and practice ‘Lean Accounting’ – a management accounting approach designed to support and promote the lean transformation. Drawing from research and practice, Sean and Collette will explore the challenges and opportunities commonly encountered when introducing and embedding lean accounting.

About the speakers

Sean Cooney, Head of Finance, Cartamundi Ireland: Sean is a CIMA qualified accountant who has 25 years’ experience in senior finance roles with leading Irish multinationals. Throughout his career, Sean has been responsible for developing high performing management accounting systems that have been to the fore in setting business priorities and driving performance. Sean has just graduated from the Master of Business in Lean Practice programme at WIT, for which he completed his research thesis on the role of management accounting in a lean environment. Dr Collette Kirwan was Sean’s supervisor for the thesis.

Dr Collette Kirwan, FCA, BBS, PhD, Lecturer in Accounting, Waterford Institute of Technology: Dr. Collette Kirwan qualified as a chartered accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers where she subsequently worked as a manager in Audit Services. Collette first joined the School of Business at WIT in 2005. Over her career, Collette has lectured at undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive education levels. Her main subject areas include financial reporting, financial management, and business research methods. In 2013 Collette was awarded her Ph.D from University College Dublin. Collette’s Ph.D examines the role of non-executive directors on boards of private family firms. During her academic career, Collette has presented at several international and national conferences. Collette’s main research interests include corporate governance, boards of directors, governance of family firms, governance of not-for-profit organisations, financial reporting and auditing.