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West/North West Lean Network

April 24, 2018
GMIT Castlebar Westport Road,

West/North West Lean Network are an industry led business network from the West & North West of Ireland linked with 3rd level Academic Institutions and Chambers of Commerce.

Their Mission is to promote Lean methodologies across all sectors and to share ideas that foster competitiveness for success.

During 2018 they will invite representatives from business and industry to attend seminars and best practice visits to companies inside and outside of the region. These events will provide the opportunity of furthering our mission.


08:30-09:00 – Registration & Networking

09:00-09:05 – Opening Address – Michael Gill, Head of Dept, Business, Humanities & Technology GMIT

09:05-09:45 – Presentations from Richard Keegan Manager Competitiveness Dept, Lean Business & BenchmarkingEnterprise Ireland and Breda O’Toole Head of Product Development & Transformation, IDA Ireland

09:45-11:00 – Industry Case Studies

11:00-11:15 – Networking Break

11:15- 12:00 – Panel discussion moderated by Michael Heneghan, Business Excellence & Portfolio Manager Abbott Diagnostics Sligo

12:00-12:15 – Q & A

12:15-12:30 Official Launch of Network by Michael Heneghan