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Reliability UK 2018

September 26, 2018
Old Trafford Sir Matt Busby Way, Stretford,
Manchester, United Kingdom

A unique learning and networking event for reliability leaders, critical asset managers and maintenance professionals across industry, power generation and mobile fleets.

Learn about

  • The latest reliability-focused tools, technology and tactics
  • A synergistic approach to asset performance from procurement to predictive maintenance to people
  • Best practice in conditioning monitoring and predictive maintenance, including vibrational, oil, thermal and ultrasonic analysis
  • Harnessing the digital revolution from diagnostic software and online monitoring to wireless asset management
  • The business case and cost-benefit analysis for reliability and maintenance investments
  • The role of reliability in health and safety, sustainability and corporate social responsibility
  • A professional, standardised approach for training and developing your team
  • Motivating and harnessing your workforce to develop reliability as a core organisational value



08.15-08.45 Registration, Tea/Coffee
08.45 -10.00 OPENING KEYNOTE
Mark Gallagher Founder and CEO of Performance Insights
“Reliability on the Edge – Insights on Reliability from the F1 Industry”
10.00-10.40 Martin Williamson Director, KEW Engineering
“Achieving best practice lubrication, contamination control and oil analysis”
10.40-10.55 What’s new from industry
3-minute briefings on latest technologies and solutions from our sponsors

10.55-11.15 Coffee Break

11.15-12.00 Andrew Fraser Managing Director, Reliable Manufacturing, UK
“Making reliability a core business value”
12.00-12.30 Keith Edwards Head of Toyota Lean Management Centre, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
“Case study: Using Lean approaches to move from reactive to pro-active maintenance at Toyota
Motor Manufacturing, Deeside”
12.30-12.45 What’s new from industry
3-minute briefings on latest technologies and solutions from our sponsors

12.45-13.45 Lunch Break

13.45-14.15 Jenny Frances Intelligent Digital – UK Drones Programme and Project Manager Lead, PwC UK
“How drones can revolutionise maintenance and asset management”
14.15-14.45 Tom Murphy Managing Director, Reliability Team, UK
“Best practice ultrasound use for condition monitoring and proactive maintenance”
14.45-15.15 Lt Cdr Ronan Carey Marine Engineering Officer in Charge of Maintenance Management Unit at
the Irish Naval Service
“Case study: Ensuring the availability and reliability of naval assets for defence and humanitarian

15.15-15.30 Coffee Break

15.30-16.00 Gary Tyne Director, Pro-Reliability Solutions
“Key Reasons Why Reliability Strategies Fail and How to Avoid Them”
16.00-16.30 Carles CG Data Scientist, Reliable Dynamics, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Collecting clean and usable data for better reliability modelling – lessons learned from the field”
16.30 Conference Close. Apple iWatch Draw and Delegate Tours of Old Trafford Commence