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Midlands Lean Network: The 8 Wastes of Christmas -“Tim Woods”

December 16, 2020

Midlands Lean Network: The 8 Wastes of Christmas -“Tim Woods”

Midlands Lean Network, in partnership with Lean Business Ireland, will host an online networking event focusing on
TIM WOODS, aka “The Eight Wastes of Christmas” on December 16th at 7pm.

In this one-hour online evening event, you will have an opportunity to meet and discuss with peers the challenges and success achieved by different companies in identifying and eliminating waste in their business.

This is an excellent opportunity to:
1. Gain insights into the approach other companies take when faced with a similar challenge
2. Share and discuss issues that you face in your own Lean journey
3. Connect with peers and grow your network

Capacity is limited and priority will be given to industry representatives.