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Mid-West Lean Network: Workshop 7 – Strategic Policy Deployment

September 27, 2019
Event Category:
Cook Medical, O’Halloran Rd, Castletroy, Limerick Ireland

Workshop #7 will take place in Cook Medical and will focus on:  Strategic Policy Deployment

Strategic Policy deployment is the process that converts strategy into reality. Policy Deployment is a method for ensuring that the strategic goals of a company drive progress and action at every level within that company. This eliminates the waste that comes from inconsistent direction and poor communication.

This workshop will be jointly hosted by Cook Medical and Analog Devices.  The aim of this workshop is to provide an insight into how both companies have approached Policy Deployment.  Analog have a mature process and a number of years of experience in this area.  Cook Medical are relatively new to Continuous Improvement and are in the first year of this process.   During the workshop presenters will provide an overview of the following points relating to Strategic Policy Deployment as applied in Cook Medical and Analog Devices.

  1. What is Strategic Policy Deployment
  2. The process that was used to convert strategy into reality
  3. Lessons learned from a mature process and from a first time deployment