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MasterClass – Creating a Culture of Change

November 28, 2017
Trinity College Dublin Pearse Street
Dublin, Ireland

Today, companies in Ireland are going though more change than ever before – to be more competitive, to keep up with regulation, with competitors and with increasing customer demands.

However, in order for you to get the full benefit of the change, it’s critical that you have your people with you.

Those people are the ones who run your production line, manage your customers, create your marketing campaigns, process your invoices – everything that keeps your company ticking. In short, they know your business.
But how do you bring them on a change journey that keeps them engaged, involves them and ensures that you create a culture in which they can flourish and grow, benefiting them and your business as a result?
And what happens if you don’t?

In this 90min masterclass we’ll explore why it’s critical to bring your people on your change journey and we’ll look at some of the practical ways you can start to do that.

20% discount for EI Clients – use the code ‘EI-Lean’