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Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

November 19, 2019
Event Category:
The Park Inn by Radisson, Shannon Airport, Shannon, Co Clare Ireland

The objective of this programme is to give a detailed overview of the key concepts of Lean Thinking in terms of the Lean Principles (Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull, and Perfection) and the Wastes as identified by Lean. It provides a practical understanding of how to identify and expose the opportunities presented by the ubiquity of waste in businesses and delivers practical instruction in powerful Lean tools & techniques such as Value Stream Mapping and Kaizen.

The aim is to successfully manage projects which deliver demonstrable improvement in key business measures. Team members need both the ability to effectively manage these projects and lead cross-functional teams.

The second aim of this course is to combine the philosophies of Lean Thinking with the discipline of Project Management and the concepts of teams and team performance to assist project leaders in the successful delivery of improvement projects.