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Lean Leaders Journey

March 9, 2022
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Ryan Tierney has been an enthusiastic advocate of Lean thinking for 6 years and has successfully applied Lean principles throughout manufacturing environments.

Join this webinar to hear how Lean has transformed his business.

Seating Matters was set up in 2008 by an Occupational Therapist, Martina Tierney, to meet the unique demands of her patients with special needs and pressure injuries.

After the findings of a clinical research trial demonstrated that Seating Matters chairs reduced pressure injuries, falls, and caregiver injuries, demand for Seating Matters increased globally.

The company have established a culture of continuous improvement and is now regarded as a model of world-class Lean thinkers.

Ryan Tierney is the Head of Design and Innovation at Seating Matters’ Northern Ireland headquarters. Never satisfied with “good enough,” Ryan collaborates with great designers across the world to ensure that the Seating Matters product is the best in the world and at the cutting edge of healthcare technology.