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Lean in Ireland – Best Practice Visit to Carbery Group

June 15, 2018
Carbery Group Ballineen,
Co. Cork,

A Lean best practice site visit to Carbery Group is scheduled for Friday 15th June 2018. This is part of a series of lean (in Ireland) best practice visits planned during the year. Please follow the registration link above if you are interested in attending. The capacity for the visit is limited. A maximum of 5 delegates per company can be registered. Registration is free of charge.

Indicative Agenda (subject to change)
09.30am-09.45am Visitor sign-in
09.45am- 10.15am History of Carbery Group
10.15am-10.45am Continuous Improvement/Lean Journey
10.45am-11.00am Q & A
11.00am-11.30am Tour of Facility
11.30am-12.30pm Tea & Coffee, light lunch, Visitor sign-out