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Lean in Europe – Visit 27 – Pakmarkas

Start: September 29, 2022 End: September 30, 2022
Pakmarkas – Vilnius Lithuania

Visit 27 – PAKMARKAS

"Genchi, genbutsu gennin" translates as "go to the Gemba" but means going to the 'real place' where value is created, where interactions are happening between process and material, and engaging with the people.

September 29th and 30th

The first host company in this new series of Lean in Europe physical visits (i.e. travel will be necessary) will be PakMarkas – a Lithuanian manufacturer producing labelling and flexible packaging, industrial packaging engineering and automation solutions.

The visit will be led by Richard Keegan, the EU-Japan Centre’s Lean Advisor and Adjunct Professor of Lean Operational Excellence at Trinity Business School in Dublin. Places are limited.

Apply no later than Sunday, 24 July 2022. There are 20 places available.

About the event

The visit will include:
  • an introduction to PakMarkas and its production processes;
  • a Gemba visit;
  • a genuine practical problem-solving exercise: PakMarkas will present issues it would like the group to address – you will be asked to study that part of the process and then brainstorm suggestions;
  • a pre-visit group discussion and dinner in Vilnius on the evening of 29 September.
Eligibility and target participants:
  • You should be an engineer / have responsibility for process management / improvement
  • You should work for a company or organisation in an EU27 member-state or in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway
  • It is key that you use – or plan to use – process optimisation and lean management tools in your business
  • Your application should be supported by your line manager
  • Applications from direct local competitors will not be accepted
  • No participation fee, but your organisation must cover your travel and accommodation costs.
  • In the unlikely event that the visit has to be postponed / cancelled / coronavirus rules prevent you from taking part, the EU-Japan Centre will not be liable for your travel / accommodation / other costs
More information and future visits:

Other visits will be arranged for later in the year, please contact lean@eu-japan.eu if you have any questions about this visit, would like to get details of future visits when they are arranged, or think your company/organisation might be willing to host a Lean in Europe visit for us

About the company

Pakmarkas are a leader in product labelling and engineering packaging and manufacturing automation solutions in the Baltics.

Their main manufacturing facility is based near Vilnius, Lithuania. They have branches in Latvia and in Germany. They work with more than 1,000 manufacturing companies in Lithuania, Europe, and elsewhere in the world.

Over the long years of the company’s business, they have deployed a number of state-of-the-art technologies and gathered a team of skilled specialists. All this guarantees the precision and high speed of their services, an environmentally friendly manufacturing process, and high quality of service.
