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Lean Construction Ireland Annual Conference

November 3, 2021

The LCi Annual Conference id one of the leading Lean Construction conferences in the world. This Conference brings together our national community of learning and practice along with welcoming friends from all around the world. Here you will see presentations and plenary discussions from Clients/Owners, their Professional Service Providers, Contractors and their Associated Supply Chain, Lean Academics, and Lean Service Providers.

The Conference is structured around LCi’s strategic breakthrough objectives of Clients, Contractual Processes, and Capability Development, and stream presentations are kept succinct so as to optimise the opportunities for speaker and audience engagement and questions and answers. We hope you will join us at the Conference to engage with global good practices and thought leaders, and to network with your industry peers and colleagues.

For further information visit: https://leanconstructionireland.ie/conference/