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Lean Café #09 – Applying WCM principles and tools to create a World-Class Company | featuring CNH Industrial

September 23, 2021
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CNH Industrial is a global leader in capital goods that implements design, manufacturing, distribution, commercial and financial activities in international markets. Across its 66 manufacturing plants and 57 R&D centres, it employs 64,000 people.

CNH Industrial sees WCM as a “road map to continuous improvement, plotted through the elimination of waste, whether it be time, quality or material. It is of vital importance to all of us in terms of business strategy and company results“.

CNH Industrial uses 460 tools and methods including: 5S, 5W1H, TWTTP HERCA, Kaizen, Spaghetti Chart, LUTI, PPA, DOE, TOC, FIFO, QA Matrix, VSM, Risk Prediction, O&R, IPS, TRIZ. Periodic audits are used to evaluate a selection of WCM pillars. 2 plants are ‘Gold’ standard, 16 have won ‘Silver’ and 28 have been awarded ‘Bronze’.

During September’s Lean Café session, Fabio Piccinelli, Francesco Russo & Magali Buclon (all WCM Senior Specialists at CNH Industrial) will explain CNH Industrial’s WCM strategy and how it applies world-class manufacturing principles throughout its organisation and will react to your comments and questions.