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LEADER Supporting Local Biodiversity Seminar

September 14, 2018
Ardboyne Hotel Navan Ireland

Do you or your organisation have an active role in supporting, improving or restoring biodiversity and unique habitats in your local area? Are you interested in finding out about supporting your local ecosystem and how this can benefit your community?

If so, Meath Partnership would like to invite you to attend a Free Information Seminar on supporting local biodiversity taking place on Friday, 14th September 2018 at 10.00am in the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. Information on the day will be provided by Meath Partnership and guest speakers, Biodiversity Ireland and Wildlife
Rehabilitation Ireland.

Supported projects might include:

– Wildlife Corridors

– Interpretive Signage

– Village Biodiversity Plans

– Lake & River Restoration

– Habitat Restoration

– Invasive Species Removal

With grants ranging from €2,000 to €25,000+ available for your project, LEADER offers an excellent opportunity for your community to support the sustainability of your local environment.

For more information or to register your attendance please contact Aidan on 046-9280790 or visit www.meathpartnership.ie