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Irish Composting & Anaerobic Digestion Conference 2018

March 15, 2018
Killlashee House Hotel Kilcullen Rd, Killashee,
Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Over the last few years there has been uncertainty on brown bin feedstock supply and supports for anaerobic digestion. As we approach 2020, many operators in the sector have decisions to make to what to do in the future.

The operators need answers to key questions –

– Will brown bin material tonnage increase?
– Will there be Government supports for biomethane to grid or electricity production?
– What will be the impact of new waste policies?
– Could composting sites pretreat sewage sludge prior to incineration?
– Are there new opportunities to develop new products in the biobased bioeconomy?

Policies are evolving on brown bin with increased enforcement, proposed changes to the brown bin regulations, emerging new EU Circular Economy policies, new supports for heat from biogas by the Renewable Heat Incentive and the new National Statement on the Bioeconomy.

The Irish Composting & Anaerobic Digestion Conference comes at a pivotal time for the sector and will create much debate, be thought provoking, informative and inspiring.

Key speakers:

  • Micheál Martin, Leader of Fianna Fail
  • George Burke, Principal Officer (Head of Economic Infrastructure, Regulation and Climate Change Unit), Department of An Taoiseach
  • Kevin Brady, Principal Officer (Heat & Transport Energy Policy),  Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment
  • Kevin O’Donoghue, Principal Officer (Waste Policy), Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment
  • Dr. Dominic Hogg, Chairman, Eunomia
  • David McDonnell, Chair of Cré Anaerobic Digestion Committee
  • Paul Roeleveld, Royal Haskoning DHV
  • Percy Foster, Chief Executive, Cré
  • Caoimhín Nolan, Environmental Protection Agency – The BMW pre-treatment conditions in landfills & incinerators licences.

Key issues for the 2018 conference include:

  • Brown bin feedstocks
  • The new future waste policy based on the new EU Circular Economy
  • Treatment of sewage sludge in composting sites
  • Is there potential for biomethane  and electricity production from biogas?
  • The opportunities in the new bioeconomy sector

View Conference Agenda