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IP4Business Training Roadshow

September 25, 2017
Enterprise Ireland Dublin, Ireland

Reflecting the strong demand for business-oriented IP training offers, the European IPR Helpdesk and the European Patent Academy, are organising the European-wide IP4Business Training Roadshow, consisting of 12 IP training events in 12 different European countries.

The training content is based on reviewed training modules of the IP4inno platform, a selection of SME case studies just elaborated by EPO experts, a first-hand update about the Unitary Patent and various contributions of local IP & innovation support stakeholders like the National Patent Offices or the Enterprise Europe Network.

Registration for the workshop can be completed via this online form.

Please note:Attendance at the workshop is only possible after registration.

Registration is open until September 20th, 2017. Please note that the number of participants is limited. Registrations are processed in the order in which they arrive.


Please feel free to get in touch with us anytime for further information or if you have questions regarding the event.

Contact EU IPR Helpdesk

Claire Fentsch

Email  claire.fentsch@iprhelpdesk.eu

Phone +49 681 9592-3379

Contact Enterprise Ireland

Gerard O’ Regan

E-mail: gerard.oregan@enterprise-ireland.com

Tel: +353 1 727 2304

Webs: www.een-ireland.ie


Download Event Brochure 


10:30 – Registration and welcome coffee

11:00 – Welcome address

Dr Imelda Lambkin, National Director for Horizon 2020, Enterprise Ireland | Joe Fox, EEN Ireland | Thomas Bereuter, European Patent Academy

11:15 – Strategic business advantages by IP Management & SME case study – Aerogen Ltd – Dr. John p. Mc Manus, sole trader

13:00 – Networking Break / Lunch

13:30 – Benefits of the Unitary Patent

EPO European and International Legal Affairs

14:15 – Creating values

Jörg Scherer, CEO Eurice GmbH / Head of Training and Communication European IPR Helpdesk

14:45 – Understanding IP – The Importance of Searching & How to Apply for your Rights

Mary Flynn, National Patent Office

15:15 – IP Strategy and Innovation – Joseph Doyle, Enterprise Ireland

15:45 – Final wrap-up – Jörg Scherer