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GREENFest 2017 – Resource Efficiency for the Hospitality Sector – “The Smart Move”

November 9, 2017
Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport Old Airport Road
Dublin, Ireland

Resource Efficiency for the Hospitality Sector – The Smart Move” in association with: Fáilte Ireland and Repak.

GREENFest 2017 – Theme

Resource Efficiency – “The Smart Move”

Why are so many other sectors engaged in Resource Efficiency and Sustainability

Why is the Hospitality Sector almost unique in its poor leadership and performance when it comes to Climate Change and the Actions it should be taking and promoting to the sector

Why are so many managers ignoring the Hundreds of Millions of Euro that can be saved annually by implementing some practical steps and initiatives.

These are some of the topics we plan to discuss and present on at GREENFest2017

Come along and find out how you can position your business as a sustainable business and make substantial savings at the same time

Sustainability does not need to cost!

Resource Efficiency – Lean Management – is a business process being implemented across the world that focuses on the most efficient use and application of resources by a company.

It’s not rocket science – use less resources – Energy, water, produce less waste – and costs will decline – every € saved is an extra € in profit.

Irish Hospitality businesses are leaving hundreds of millions of Euro on the “shop” floor – whilst demanding more favourable tax breaks and more central government support for the sector.

GHP.ie contends that Going Green is a sound business decision based on good business management principles which focus on the Triple Bottom Line or 3 P’s – People, Planet, Profit – A Responsible business is a business that pays attention to all three – and reaps the reward from these combined actions.

Our GREENFest is designed to bring together hospitality managers with experts in the field – energy, water and waste – to identify solutions that can be implemented which will lead to savings.

Attendees:  The conference is aimed at executives, owners, managers and advisors across the Public and Private sector that are engaged, or have an interest in, the Hospitality, Travel & Tourism sector.

What the Conference will cover

– GreenHospitality.ie – choosing the support structure to assist your business in adopting and implementing sustainability

– Compliance – Packaging Waste, Emissions

– Future Challenges – NZEB 2020 – Near Zero Energy Buildings – what does it mean – what impact will it have on hotel development

– Energy Management – Can we see beyond Free Lights – reduce consumption, maximise grant aid

– Food Waste – How can the hospitality catering sector justify throwing away €350,000,000 worth of food?

– Lessons from Winners – practical and successful

Exhibitor Area

We will also have a number of supplier partners showcasing their products and services on the day