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Future in Medtech Ireland 2017

September 12, 2017
Croke Park Dublin, Ireland

The Theme of Sustainability within the Medtech processing and manufacturing sector has never been more important! For many years larger organisations have been realising the fact that environmental policies and energy efficiencies within processing is directly related to the bottom line! Reducing energy costs, carbon footprint and waste during the process of Medtech devices can have a significant impact on the profitability of a facility. Additionally, as Medtech manufacturers and their clients supply chains becomes more and more entwined they find themselves under increased pressure to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • Significant financial savings can be achieved through increased energy efficiency. (OFGEM forecast energy prices to rise by 20% by 2020)
  • Enhanced marketing opportunities. Making your business and brands stand out from the crowd.
  • Sustainability encompasses some of the most robust energy management systems, enabling continual improvements on energy performance.
  • Reducing carbon footprint and carbon tax.
  • Reduced reliance on suppliers through improved waste & water management.
  • Adoption of ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO50001.
  • Ensure best practice and culture within your processing facility.

Delegate Profile:

Future in Medtech Ireland will attract senior-level executives and decision-makers from the Irish Medtech, pharmaceutical, medical & chemical processing industry and create an environment in which to network, do business and access knowledge on the latest developements, trends, strategies and policies relating to one of Ireland’s most important manufacturing sectors.

Future in Medtech Ireland will bring together delegates from the Irish pharmaceutical, medical & chemical manufacturing sector who are responsible for the energy efficiency, environmental policies and financial performance of their operation within Ireland.

Who should attend:

  • Facility Managers
  • EHS Managers
  • Energy Leads
  • Operations Directors
  • Production Managers
  • Financial Controls
  • Managing Directors