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Enterprise Excellence – Lean in Ireland – Regional Events 2017

October 3, 2017
Glenroyal Hotel Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland

To date IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland have hosted events in Galway, Athlone and Cork for our small to medium sized client companies. The events have been regionally based and focused on the financial supports our Agencies offer to assist in creating an efficient operation and become more competitive. Speakers from both indigenous and multinational companies have shared how they are building a strong supply chain to win new contracts and how their lean journey has led to real success.

This is an opportunity not to be missed and will give you a chance to meet other like-minded companies and see what is going on in your region to support businesses. Look forward to meeting you at one of our events and bring plenty of business cards to share. Please circulate this mail with your teams involved in continuous improvement and operational excellence in your organisation.

9.00am – Registration and Networking and Providers’ Exhibition
9.30am – Welcome and Introduction. Lean – What it means for both indigenous and multinational companies. Impact of Lean on creating a culture of Enterprise Excellence in Ireland and the impact of that brand internationally. Supports available from State Agencies.
Breda O’Toole, IDA Ireland | Richard Keegan, Enterprise Ireland
10.00 – Brexit – Agency Response (IDA and EI) – TBC
10.15am – Lean Case Study: C & D Foods – David Mulhall, Head of Group, Operations Development,
11.00am – Break
11.15am – Medentech’s Lean journey & significant improvements achieved at its operation in Wexford.
Fergus Bates, Lean Champion,  Medentech Ltd., Whitemill Industrial Estate, Co. Wexford
12.00 – Winning new business and developing the supply chain – building enterprise capability; going from good to great; raising ambition; demonstrating the impact of Lean; and continuous Improvement on business growth.
David Griffiths, Operational Excellence Engineer, Rottapharm Ltd. ,  Mulhuddart, Dublin
12.45pm – Light Lunch & Networking

Remember your business cards!