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Dublin Lean Network: From Being Stuck to Making it Stick- Embedding a Sustainable Excellence Culture

February 19, 2021

Join Ciaran Crosbie of the Dublin Lean Network for a discussion with Nuala O’Hagan of Rabobank as they explore the best methods to embed a culture of excellence.

This lunchtime seminar hosted by the Dublin Lean Network will demonstrate how Rabobank Dublin moved from an inconsistent approach to continuous improvement to one that is embedded in all aspects of daily work, and how this shift supported the organisation during the COVID pandemic.

In this seminar you will learn:
• The impact and importance of ‘systems thinking’
• Using behaviors to actively shape and shift a culture
• The positives of moving from directive to coaching management styles

Ciaran Crosbie, Associate Director of Innovation & Learning, Alexion and Chairman of the Dublin Lean Network

Nuala O’Hagan, Continuous Improvement Lead, Rabobank Dublin

Date: Friday, 19th February
Time: 1.00PM
Platform: Zoom
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocOqgqDgpH9cPuPGGTtyz3kIhNQGtdUs2