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Design Thinking

September 1, 2018
Dublin Dublin, Ireland

A “Hands’ On” learning experience focusing on techniques and tools used to implement and drive innovation in your organisation.

Design Thinking is a human-centred approach to innovation and problem solving following 5 stages Empathy, Define, Ideate, Prototype & Test. Design thinking has the power to give you the edge over your competitors by actively Empathizing with your clients through Observation, Immersion & Engagement to create opportunities for your business. Design Thinking can also be used to solve complex problems in your own organisation . Learn the benefits of testing quickly and failing early.

During this workshop, you will acquire an understanding of the Design Thinking method along with the tools to assess user needs, define problems, generate ideas and prototype. You will also engage in a Design Thinking challenge within a small team and apply the learning supported by an experienced mentor .

Who Should Attend? 

Individuals and businesses from any industry who are responsible for problem solving and are looking for innovative approaches to finding solutions.