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5-day WCM mission to Japan funded by the European Commission

June 26, 2017

•    Discover the Japanese approach towards World-Class Manufacturing
•    Learn how Japanese firms achieve superior production standards
•    Focus on the latest trends by visiting the top manufacturing plants in Japan
•    Visit the real “GEMBA” (i.e. production site in Japan)
•    Meet senior Japanese industry leaders
The training course consists of lectures, workshops and visits to some of the world’s most advanced Japanese factories in order to understand the real “Gemba” (production site), talk directly with their production managers and observe the effective implementation of manufacturing methods. ??This course will give its participants a detailed understanding of current Japanese approaches that they can adapt to help their companies lean journeys. ??PROGRAMME DESIGN & CONTENT ?Study block I: lectures, seminars & panel discussions, presented by experts from Japanese industry covering subjects such as:
•    Lead-Time Reduction through Streamlined Flows of Information and Products
•    Policy Deployment, HR Management and Best Practice for Staff Motivation
•    Continuous Improvement of Customer Service Supported by WCM
•    Lean Thinking and WCM Approach in Japan
•    TQC, TQM, TPM, JIT and TIE
•    Attractive Quality Creation
•    Levelled Production System
•    Variable-Product Variable
•    Quantity Production to meet Demand Fluctuation
•    Synchronized Production System (from order to delivery)
•    Flexible Manufacturing Implemented by QCD
•    Improvement of Overall Manufacturing Capability.
Study block II: visits to companies – preparation for company visits and post-visit reviews. ??The sectors of activity of the companies to be visited include, among others:
•    Chemical products and plastics
•    Machinery
•    Steel products
•    Automobile industry