S.I. No. 83/2013 – European Union (Conservation of Wild Birds (Mullet Peninsula Special Protection Area 004227)) Regulations 2013

Directive 2009/147/EC (O.J. L 20/7 of 26 January 2010) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 (úthe Birds Directiveù) on the conservation of wild birds provides for the conservation of wild birds by, among other things, classifying important ornithological sites as Special Protection Areas. The hyperlink http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/sites_birds/index_en.htm which connects to the European Commission Environment (Nature and Biodiversity) website also contains a further link to the text of the Birds Directive. The effect of these Regulations is to designate a site as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of the Directive. The geographical area of the Special Protection Area designated by these Regulations is defined by Schedule 1 (a map or maps of the area) and Schedule 2 (a list of the townlands in question / a description of the area). For more detailed maps than those contained in Schedule 1, or for greater detail on boundary delineation, contact should be made with the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht or by viewing the relevant text or map details on www.npws.ie. The bird species cited in Schedule 3 of these Regulations are specified, in accordance with the Directive, in order to ensure their survival and reproduction in their area of distribution. Under Article 5 of the Directive all species of birds are afforded protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and eggs, not just the birds listed on Schedule 3 (with the exception of those birds covered under Articles 7 for hunting and 9, where derogations are listed). Those operations or activities requiring the consent of the Minister listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations are cited for their potential to cause disturbance or damage to the bird species and their habitats specified in Schedule 3 of these Regulations. Landowners or occupiers should contact the local National Parks and Wildlife Service office of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht before undertaking any of the works listed at Schedule 4. (See www.npws.ie for contact details). Please note that operations/activities other than those listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations, such as effluent discharge, construction work, aquaculture, fishing or forestry require a licence or permission from the appropriate consent authority. These Regulations provide (Regulation 6) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2013
  • S.I. No. 83/2013
S.I. No. 72/2013 – European Communities (Metallic Mercury Waste) Regulations 2013

These Regulations fulfill the requirements on Ireland to bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the provisions of COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2011/97/EU of 5 December 2011 amending Directive 1999/31/EC (commonly known as the landfill directive) as regards specific criteria for the storage of metallic mercury considered as waste. The directive is being transposed in Ireland ahead of the required transposition date which is 15 March 2013.

  • Waste
  • 2013
  • S.I. No. 72/2013
S.I. No. 71/2013 – European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-waste) Regulations 2013

These Regulations are designed to promote the segregation and recovery of household food waste. They will, in particular, contribute to the achievement of the targets set out in article 5 of EU Directive 99/31/EC on the landfill of waste for the diversion of biodegradable municipal waste from landfill sites to composting and biogas plants and to other forms of authorised treatment. They will also increase the amount of food waste that is recovered. The regulations also form part of the implementation of measures set out in the national waste management policy: úA Resource Opportunity Waste Management Policy in Irelandù published in July 2012. The Regulations place obligations: 1. on waste collectors to have a separate collection service for household food waste; and, 2. on the householders who produce food waste to segregate such waste and make it available for separate collection. Producers may alternatively compost the waste on the premises where it arises under specified conditions or take it to authorised facilities such as civic amenity sites, composting sites, anaerobic digestion sites or for incineration. The regulations also give effect to Article 22 of the EU Waste Framework Directive Directive 2008/98/EC and are a measure aimed at giving effect to the waste hierarchy and the protection of the environment requirements of that Directive as well as meeting the requirements of Articles 10, 11 and 13 of the Directive.

  • Waste
  • 2013
  • S.I. No. 71/2013
S.I. No. 35/2013 – Sea Pollution (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) (Amendment) Regulations 2013

These Regulations amend the Sea Pollution (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) Regulations 2010 ( S.I. No.313 of 2010 ) on the prevention of air pollution from ships, the broad purpose of which was to give effect to MARPOL Annex VI in Irish law. The broad purpose of these Regulations is to provide for amendments to MARPOL Annex VI including: the addition of a new chapter 4 to MARPOL Annex VI to make mandatory the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new applicable ships, and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all applicable ships; the provision of a format for the International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEE Certificate) which is provided in the new Appendix VIII to MARPOL Annex VI; and the designation of certain waters adjacent to the coasts of Puerto Rico (United States) and the Virgin Islands (United States) as Emission Control Areas (ECA) under MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 13 concerning nitrogen oxides (NOX) and under MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 14 concerning sulphur oxides (SOX) and particulate matter.

  • Air, Marine
  • 2013
  • S.I. No. 35/2013
S.I. No. 32/2013 – European Union (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2013

These Regulations amend the European Communities (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations 2011 and give further effect to the provisions of European Parliament and Council Directive 2002/96/EC as amended. They are designed to promote the recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment and to facilitate the achievement of targets for the collection, treatment, recovery and disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment established by Directive 2002/96/EC as amended.

  • Waste, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • 2013
  • S.I. No. 32/2013
Water Services Act 2013

An Act To Make Provision In Relation To The Installation And Maintenance Of Water Meters In Dwellings; For That Purpose To Provide For The Formation Of A Subsidiary Company By Bord Gáis Éireann And The Performance Of Certain Functions Under The Water Services Act 2007 By Bord Gáis Éireann And That Subsidiary Company; To Amend The Gas Act 1976 And The Water Services Act 2007; To Provide For The Collection Of Certain Information By Bord Gáis Éireann And That Subsidiary Company; And To Provide For Matters Connected Therewith

  • Water
  • 2013
  • Number 6 of 2013
S.I. No. 587/2012 – European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Beara Peninsula Special Protection Area 004155)) Regulations 2012

Directive 2009/147/EC (O.J. L 20/7 of 26 January 2010) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 (úthe Birds Directiveù) on the conservation of wild birds provides for the conservation of wild birds by, among other things, classifying important ornithological sites as Special Protection Areas. The hyperlink http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/sites_birds/index_en.htm which connects to the European Commission Environment (Nature and Biodiversity) website also contains a further link to the text of the Birds Directive. The effect of these Regulations is to designate a site as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of the Directive. The geographical area of the Special Protection Area designated by these Regulations is defined by Schedule 1 (a map or maps of the area) and Schedule 2 (a list of the townlands in question / a description of the area). For more detailed maps than those contained in Schedule 1, or for greater detail on boundary delineation, contact should be made with the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht by telephoning 1-800-405000 or by viewing the relevant text or map details on www.npws.ie. The bird species cited in Schedule 3 of these Regulations are specified, in accordance with the Directive, in order to ensure their survival and reproduction in their area of distribution. Under Article 5 of the Directive all species of birds are afforded protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and eggs, not just the birds listed on Schedule 3 (with the exception of those birds covered under Articles 7 for hunting and 9, where derogations are listed). Those operations or activities requiring the consent of the Minister listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations are cited for their potential to cause disturbance or damage to the bird species and their habitats specified in Schedule 3 of these Regulations. Landowners or occupiers should contact the local National Parks and Wildlife Service office of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht before undertaking any of the works listed at Schedule 4. (See www.npws.ie for contact details). Please note that operations/activities other than those listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations, such as effluent discharge, construction work, aquaculture, fishing or forestry require a licence or permission from the appropriate consent authority. These Regulations provide (Regulation 6) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2012
  • S.I. No. 587/2012
S.I. No. 586/2012 – European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Wicklow Mountains Special Protection Area 004040)) Regulations 2012

Directive 2009/147/EC (O.J. L 20/7 of 26 January 2010) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 (úthe Birds Directiveù) on the conservation of wild birds provides for the conservation of wild birds by, among other things, classifying important ornithological sites as Special Protection Areas. The hyperlink http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/sites_birds/index_en.htm which connects to the European Commission Environment (Nature and Biodiversity) website also contains a further link to the text of the Birds Directive. The effect of these Regulations is to designate a site as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of the Directive. The geographical area of the Special Protection Area designated by these Regulations is defined by Schedule 1 (a map or maps of the area) and Schedule 2 (a list of the townlands in question / a description of the area). For more detailed maps than those contained in Schedule 1, or for greater detail on boundary delineation, contact should be made with the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht or by viewing the relevant text or map details on www.npws.ie. The bird species cited in Schedule 3 of these Regulations are specified, in accordance with the Directive, in order to ensure their survival and reproduction in their area of distribution. Under Article 5 of the Directive all species of birds are afforded protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and eggs, not just the birds listed on Schedule 3 (with the exception of those birds covered under Articles 7 for hunting and 9, where derogations are listed). Those operations or activities requiring the consent of the Minister listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations are cited for their potential to cause disturbance or damage to the bird species and their habitats specified in Schedule 3 of these Regulations. Landowners or occupiers should contact the local National Parks and Wildlife Service office of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht before undertaking any of the works listed at Schedule 4. (See www.npws.ie for contact details). Please note that operations/activities other than those listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations, such as effluent discharge, construction work, aquaculture, fishing or forestry require a licence or permission from the appropriate consent authority. These Regulations provide (Regulation 6) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2012
  • S.I. No. 586/2012