S.I. No. 104/2016 – European Union Habitats (Wicklow Reef Special Area of Conservation 002274) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties. 1 OJ No. L206, 22.07.1992, P. 7

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 104/2016
S.I. No. 103/2016 – European Union Habitats (Long Bank Special Area of Conservation 002161) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 103/2016
S.I. No. 102/2016 – European Union Habitats (Kerry Head Shoal Special Area of Conservation 002263) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 102/2016
S.I. No. 101/2016 – European Union Habitats (Hovland Mound Province Special Area of Conservation 002328) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 101/2016 .
S.I. No. 100/2016 – European Union Habitats (Hemptons Turbot Bank Special Area of Conservation 002999) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 100/2016 .
S.I. No. 99/2016 – European Union Habitats (Codling Fault Zone Special Area of Conservation 003015) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 99/2016.
S.I. No. 98/2016 – European Union Habitats (Belgica Mound Province Special Area of Conservation 002327) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 98/2016.
S.I. No. 97/2016 – European Union Habitats (Glanlough Woods Special Area of Conservation 002315) Regulations 2016

These Regulations provide (Regulations 6 and 7) that contravention of the provisions of these Regulations shall constitute an offence. Regulation 6 also provides for penalties.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 97/2016.