S.I. No. 197/2016 – European Union Habitats (Ballyseedy Wood Special Area of Conservation 002112) Regulations 2016

The area known as Ballyseedy Wood Special Area of Conservation 002112 is situated in the county of Kerry being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Ballyseedy, Caherbreagh, Curraghleha East, Curraghleha West and Manor East.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 197/2016 .
S.I. No. 196/2016 – European Union Habitats (Galmoy Fen Special Area of Conservation 001858) Regulations 2016

The area known as Galmoy Fen Special Area of Conservation 001858 is situated in the county of Kilkenny being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Rathbane and Whiteswall.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 196/2016.
S.I. No. 195/2016 – European Union Habitats (Holdenstown Bog Special Area of Conservation 001757) Regulations 2016

The area known as Holdenstown Bog Special Area of Conservation 001757 is situated in the county of Wicklow being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townland of Holdenstown Upper.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 195/2016.
S.I. No. 194/2016 – European Union Habitats (Mucksna Wood Special Area of Conservation 001371) Regulations 2016

The area known as Mucksna Wood Special Area of Conservation 001371 is situated in the county of Kerry being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Killaha East and Mucksna.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 194/2016.

The area known as Myross Wood Special Area of Conservation 001070 is situated in the county of Cork being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Ardagh (E.D. Myross) and Brade.

  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 193/2016
S.I. No. 192/2016 – European Union Habitats (Deputys Pass Nature Reserve Special Area of Conservation 000717) Regulations 2016

The area known as Deputys Pass Nature Reserve Special Area of Conservation 000717 is situated in the county of Wicklow being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Ballinacooley, Ballydowling (E.D. Glenealy), Ballygannon Beg, Ballygannon More and Drumdangan.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 192/2016
S.I. No. 191/2016 – European Union Habitats (The Loughans Special Area of Conservation 000407) Regulations 2016

The area known as The Loughans Special Area of Conservation 000407 is situated in the county of Kilkenny being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Balief Lower and Borrismore.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 191/2016
S.I. No. 190/2016 – European Union Habitats (Hugginstown Fen Special Area of Conservation 000404) Regulations 2016

The area known as Hugginstown Fen Special Area of Conservation 000404 is situated in the county of Kilkenny being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Kilkeasy, Knockmoylan and Lismateige.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 190/2016