S.I. No. 248/2016 – European Union Habitats (Drummin Wood Special Area of Conservation 002181) Regulations 2016

The area known as Drummin Wood Special Area of Conservation 002181 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Derreen (E.D. Kilbeacanty), Derrykeel and Drummin (E.D. Kilbeacanty).

  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 248/2016
S.I. No. 247/2016 – European Union Habitats (Gortacarnaun Wood Special Area of Conservation 002180) Regulations 2016

The area known as Gortacarnaun Wood Special Area of Conservation 002180 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Derreen (E.D. Kilbeacanty) and Gortacarnaun (E.D. Ardmullivan).

  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 247/2016
S.I. No. 246/2016 – European Union Habitats (Tully Lough Special Area of Conservation 002130) Regulations 2016

The area known as Tully Lough Special Area of Conservation 002130 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Cloonlooaun, Derryherbert (E.D. Rinvyle), Derryinver, Gorteennaglogh, Rusheenduff, Tully Beg and Tully More.

  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 246/2016
S.I. No. 245/2016 – European Union Habitats (Lough Nageeron Special Area of Conservation 002119) Regulations 2016

The area known as Lough Nageeron Special Area of Conservation 002119 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of An Aird Thiar and An Aird Thoir.

  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 245/2016
S.I. No. 244/2016 – European Union Habitats (Barnahallia Lough Special Area of Conservation 002118) Regulations 2016

The area known as Barnahallia Lough Special Area of Conservation 002118 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Barnahallia, Courhoor, Glen (E.D. Sillerna) and Grallagh (E.D. Sillerna).

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 244/2016
S.I. No. 243/2016 – European Union Habitats (Rosturra Wood Special Area of Conservation 001313) Regulations 2016

The area known as Rosturra Wood Special Area of Conservation 001313 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Derrylahan (E.D. Ballynagar), Derryvunlam and Rosturra.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 243/2016
S.I. No. 242/2016 – European Union Habitats (Ballymaglancy Cave, Cong Special Area of Conservation 000474) Regulations 2016

The area known as Ballymaglancy Cave, Cong Special Area of Conservation 000474 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townland of Baile Mhic Fhlannchaidh.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 242/2016
S.I. No. 241/2016 – European Union Habitats (Pollnaknockaun Wood Nature Reserve Special Area of Conservation 000319) Regulations 2016

The area known as Pollnaknockaun Wood Nature Reserve Special Area of Conservation 000319 is situated in the county of Galway being the land and waters enclosed on the map (contained in Schedule 1) within the inner margin of the red line and hatched in red and is situated in whole or in part in the townlands of Drumminnamuckla North, Drumminnamuckla South, Kylagowan and Laughil (E.D. Woodford).

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 2016
  • S.I. No. 241/2016