Number 11 of 1982 – Litter Act, 1982

An Act to provide for the prevention and regulation of the creation of litter, and for the control of litter, in or near a public place and for the prohibition of the abandonment of vehicles on any land without the consent of the occupier, to provide for the control and regulation of the keeping of disused vehicles and other articles on any land, to provide for the prevention of the placing of unauthorised articles, advertisements and writing in or near a public place, for those and other purposes to confer certain functions on local authorities and to provide for other matters connected with the foregoing. [30th June, 1982]

  • Waste
  • 1982
  • Number 11 of 1982
S.I. No. 7/1982 – European Communities (Cetacean Products) (Regulation of Import) Regulations, 1982

These Regulations make it an offence to contravene or fail to comply with the EEC Council Regulation No. 348/81 (O.J. No. L39/1, 12.2.81) which prohibits the importation, save under licence, of specified whale or other cetacean products from non-EEC countries.

The maximum fine for an offence, on summary conviction, is £500.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 7/1982
S.I. No. 3/1982 – Wildlife Act, 1976 (Section 27) Order, 1982

The effect of this Order is to temporarily suspend the hunting of listed protected wild birds and exempted wild mammals during the period mentioned, due to the severity of weather conditions.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 3/1982
S.I. No. 236/1982 – The European Communities (Lead Content of Petrol) (Amendment) Regulations, 1982

The European Communities (Lead Content of Petrol) Regulations 1980 gave effect to the Council Directive of the European Communities of 29th June, 1978 (78/611/EEC) on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to the lead compound content of petrol and prohibited the marketing in the State of petrol, the lead compound content of which, expressed as lead, exceeded 0.64 grammes per litre.

These amending Regulations provide for the reduction of the maximum permissible lead compound content to 0.40 grammes per litre.
  • Air, Emissions
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 236/1982
S.I. No. 258/1982 – European Communities (Dangerous Substances) (Classification, Packaging, Labelling and Notification) Regulations, 1982

These regulations require each manufacturer, importer or other person proposing to place a new chemical substance on the market for the first time to submit to the competent authority a notification containing details of tests to which the substance has been subjected and the proposed classification and labelling of the substance.

  • Chemicals, Packaging
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 258/1982
S.I. No. 266/1982 – Wildlife (Wild Birds) (Open Seasons) (Amendment) Order, 1982

The effect of the Order is to remove the Greenland Whitefronted Goose from the open seasons list and to amend existing and include new areas, excluded from the effects of open seasons.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 266/1982
S.I. No. 320/1982 – European Communities (Beef Carcase Classification) Regulations, 1982

These Regulations introduce the EEC scale for the classification of carcases of adult bovine animals slaughtered at meat export premises.

  • Animal Waste
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 320/1982
S.I. No. 378/1982 – Nature Reserve (Grantstown Wood and Granston Lough) Establishment Order, 1982

The order establishes part of the lands situate in the townlands of Court, Shanvaghey, Grantstown, Oldglass and Tintore, Co. Laois as a nature reserve so that it can be managed in such a way as to ensure the conservation of the woodland and lake ecosystems which it constitutes.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1982
  • S.I. No. 378/1982