S.I. No. 334/1984 – Nature Reserve (Pettigo Plateau) Establishment Order, 1984

This order establishes part of the lands situate in the townlands of Oughtcarn, Meenanellison and Meensheefin, Co. Donegal as a nature reserve so that it can be managed in such a way as to ensure the conservation of the blanket bog ecosystem which it constitutes.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1984
  • S.I. No. 334/1984
No. 333/1984 – Nature Reserve (Oldhead Wood) Establishment Order, 1984

This order establishes part of the lands situate in the townland of Oldhead, Co. Mayo as a nature reserve so that it can be managed in such a way as to ensure the conservation of the woodland ecosystem which it constitutes.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1984
  • No. 333/1984
S.I. No. 274/1983 – European Communities (Prohibition of Importation of Skins of Certain Seal Pups and Related Products) Regulations, 1983.

These Regulations give effect to EEC Council Directive No. 83/129 (O.J. No. L91/30 of 9 April 1983) and make it an offence to import commercially furskins of whitecoat pups of harp seals and of pups of hooded seals (blue-backs).

The maximum fine for an offence, on summary conviction, is ?500 in addition to any penalty to which an offender may be liable under the Customs Acts.

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1983
  • S.I. No. 274/1983
S.I. No. 91/1983 – Road Traffic (Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles) Regulations, 1983

These Regulations empower the Gardaí and, in certain circumstances, a road authority to remove, store and dispose of unlawfully parked vehicles and empower a road authority to take similar action in relation to vehicles which have been abandoned on a public road or in a public car park. They replace the Road Traffic (Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles) Regulations, 1971 and the Road Traffic (Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations, 1977.

The Regulations provide, inter alia, for an increase in the removal charge from £10 to £20 and for an increase in the storage charge from £1 per day to £2 per day. They also provide that unlawfully parked vehicles may be removed either to a place of storage or to any other convenient place.

  • Waste
  • 1983
  • S.I. No. 91/1983
S.I. No. 71/1983 – Fisheries Act, 1980 (Section 26) Regulations, 1983

These Regulations prescribe the instrument of appointment by the Central Fisheries Board or a Regional Fisheries Board of an officer or other person to be an authorised person for the purposes of Part XVIII of the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959 .

  • Fisheries
  • 1983
  • S.I. No. 71/1983
S.I. No. 41/1983 – Special Tidal Waters (Special Local Licences) Order, 1983

This Order prescribes the special local licence duties payable in respect of fishing engines used in special tidal waters.

  • Fisheries
  • 1983
  • S.I. No. 41/1983
S.I. No. 37/1983 – Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Transfer of Appeals) Order, 1978, (Amendment) Order, 1983

1. This Order provides for certain procedural matters related to appeals under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 to An Bord Pleanála.

2. The Order also authorises the Minister for the Environment with the consent of the Minister for Finance to make regulations providing for the payment to An Bord Pleanála of prescribed fees in relation to appeals to the Board.


  • Water
  • 1983
  • S.I. No. 37/1983
S.I. No. 36/1983 – Local Government (Water Pollution) Regulations, 1983
These Regulations provide for a scale of fees in relation to appeals under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 to An Bord Pleanála and for the revision of the prescribed fee for a copy of any entry in a local authority register.
  • Water
  • 1983
  • S.I. No. 36/1983