S.I. No. 516/1997 – Sea Pollution (Prevention of Pollution By Garbage From Ships) (Amendment) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations provide for amendments to the Sea Pollution (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) Regulations, 1994 ( S.I. No. 45 of 1994 ) which give effect to Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, adopted by the International Maritime Organisation on 2 November, 1973 and as amended by its Protocol adopted on 17 February, 1978, and as further amended by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation.

  • Marine
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 516/1997
S.I. No. 515/1997 – Sea Pollution (Control of Pollution By Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk) (Amendment) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations provide for amendments to the Sea Pollution (Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk) Regulations, 1994 ( S.I. No. 46 of 1994 ) which give effect to Annex II of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, adopted by the International Maritime Organisation on 2 November, 1973 and as amended by its Protocol adopted on 17 February, 1978, and as further amended by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation.

  • Marine
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 515/1997
S.I. No. 514/1997 – Sea Pollution (Prevention of Oil Pollution) (Amendment) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations provide for amendments to the Sea Pollution (Prevention of Oil Pollution) Regulations, 1994 ( S.I. No. 44 of 1994 ) which give effect to Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, adopted by the International Maritime Organisation on 2 November, 1973 and as amended by its Protocol adopted on 17 February, 1978, and as further amended by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation.

  • Marine
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 514/1997
S.I. No. 513/1997 – Sea Pollution (Harmful Substances in Packaged Form) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations give effect to Annex III of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, adopted by the International Maritime Organisation on 2 November, 1973 and as amended by its Protocol adopted on 17 February, 1978, and as further amended by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation under Resolution MEPC 58(33) revising this Annex and the 1994 Amendments (Resolution 3) which provides for Port State Control on operational requirements.

The Regulations apply to all Irish ships wherever they may be and to all other ships when they are in the territorial seas and inland waters of the State.

The Regulations prohibit the carriage of harmful substances by sea unless done in accordance with their provisions with regard to packing, marking and labelling, documentation and stowage.

Section 29 of the Sea Pollution Act, 1991 provides for penalties for breaches of these Regulations.
  • Marine
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 513/1997
S.I. No. 375/1997 – Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Petroleum Vapour Emissions) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations transpose elements of Directive 94/63/EC into Irish law to introduce controls on petroleum vapour emissions (volatile organic compounds) resulting from the storage and distribution of petrol which is intended for use as a fuel for motor vehicles. The Regulations provide for the monitoring of compliance of service station and mobile container operators by relevant local authorities. Other provisions of Directive 94/63/EC are transposed by the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ACT, 1992 (CONTROL OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND EMISSIONS RESULTING FROM PETROL STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION) REGULATIONS, 1997.( S.I. No. 374 of 1997 ).

  • Air, Emissions
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 375/1997
S.I. No. 374/1997 – Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 (Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Resulting From Petrol Storage and Distribution) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations transpose elements of Directive 94/63/EC into Irish law to introduce controls on volatile organic compound emissions resulting from petrol storage and distribution at terminals. The Regulations provide for the operation of a system of permits by the Environmental Protection Agency. Other provisions of Directive 94/63/EC are transposed by the AIR POLLUTION ACT, 1987 (PETROLEUM VAPOUR EMISSIONS) REGULATIONS, 1997. ( S.I. No. 375 of 1997 )

  • Air, Emissions
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 374/1997
S.I. No. 332/1997 – Genetically Modified Organisms (Amendment) Regulations, 1997

These Regulations amend the Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations, 1994 ( S.I. No. 345 of 1994 ), by introducing additional requirements in the case of notifications submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for consent to market products containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms. The additional requirements, which must be met in each case, relate to:

( a ) the provision of information for inclusion in a register of modifications to organisms (species), and

( b ) the provision of information on the proposed labelling of products.), by introducing additional requirements in the case of notifications submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for consent to market products containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms. The additional requirements, which must be met in each case, relate to:

  • Protection of Nature and Biodiversity
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 332/1997
S.I. No. 315/1997 – Waste Management (Farm Plastics) Regulations. 1997

These Regulations are designed to assist the recovery of waste farm plastics. The Regulations impose obligations on importers and manufacturers of certain farm plastics for this purpose including an obligation to operate a deposit and refund scheme, to collect waste farm plastics, to takes steps for the recovery of such waste, to register with and provide information to local authorities and to provide information to purchasers. An exemption from these obligations is available to persons who participate in a waste recovery scheme operated by an approved body.

These Regulations were notified to the European Commission in draft form in accordance with EU Council Directive 83/189/EEC.

  • Waste
  • 1997
  • S.I. No. 315/1997