S.I. No. 267/2001 – Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations amend the Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1998 ( S.I. No. 148 of 1998 ) by replacing the two tonne per hectare per year limit on the amount of dry matter to be added to soil, with limits based on absolute quantities of specified heavy metals which may be introduced into soil per hectare per year subject to the carrying out of nutrient management plans. The Regulations also require that sludge is used in accordance with a nutrient management plan and provide for the inclusion of additional technical parameters to be entered in the sludge register provided for in the 1998

  • Waste
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 267/2001
S.I. No. 254/2001 – Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001

These Regulations revoke and generally re-enact in consolidated form the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 (Urban Waste Water Treatment) Regulations, 1994, as amended, and prescribed a further 30 water bodies as sensitive areas. The Regulations —

prescribe requirements in relation to the provision of collecting systems and treatment standards and other requirements for urban waste water treatment plants, generally and in sensitive areas

provide for monitoring procedures in relation to treatment plants and make provision for pre-treatment requirements in relation to industrial waste water entering collecting systems and urban waste water treatment plants, and

give effect to provisions of Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991, as amended, concerning urban waste water treatment, and Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 - the Water Framework Directive.

(1) O.J. No. L 327/1, 22.12.2000

(2) O.J. No. L 135/40, 30.05.91

(3) O.J. No. L 67/29, 07.03.98

(1) Reduction in relation to the load of the influent.

(2) The parameter can be replaced by another parameter: total organic carbon (TOC) or total oxygen demand (TOD) if a relationship can be established between BOD5 and the substitute parameter

(1) Reduction in relation to the load of the influent.

(2) Total nitrogen means the sum of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (organic and ammoniacal nitrogen), nitrate — nitrogen and nitrite - nitrogen.

(3) These values for concentration are annual means as referred to in paragraph 4 (c) of the Fifth Schedule. However, the requirements for nitrogen may be checked using daily averages when it is proved, in accordance with paragraph 1 of that Schedule, that the same level of protection is obtained. In this case, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l of total nitrogen for all the samples when the temperature from the effluent in the biological reactor is superior or equal to 12°C. The conditions concerning temperature could be replaced by a limitation on the time of operation to take account of regional climatic conditions.

(3) These values for concentration are annual means as referred to in paragraph 4 (c) of the Fifth Schedule. However, the requirements for nitrogen may be checked using daily averages when it is proved, in accordance with paragraph 1 of that Schedule, that the same level of protection is obtained. In this case, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l of total nitrogen for all the samples when the temperature from the effluent in the biological reactor is superior or equal to 12°C. The conditions concerning temperature could be replaced by a limitation on the time of operation to take account of regional climatic conditions.

  • Waste Water
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 254/2001
S.I. No. 234/2001 – Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Environmental Specifications For Petrol and Diesel Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations amend the Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Environmental Specifications for Petrol and Diesel Fuels) Regulations, 1999 ( S.I. No. 407 of 1999 ) and transpose Commission Directive 2000/71/EC into Irish legislation.

The Regulations provide for the use of certain updated and adapted analytical test methods for monitoring compliance with the statutory environmental specifications for petrol and diesel fuels.

  • Air
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 234/2001
Number 36 of 2001 – Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001

An Act to amend and extend The Waste Management Act, 1996, and, in particular, to amend that act with regard to the procedure for the making of waste management plans under it so that any obstacles to the state being able to comply fully with the provisions of certain acts adopted by institutions of the European Communities by reason of any failure of local authorities to make such plans are removed, to amend the first schedule to The Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992, to amend the Litter Pollution Act, 1997, and to provide for related matters.

  • Waste
  • 2001
  • No. 36/2001
S.I. No. 22/2001 – Quality of Bathing Waters (Amendment) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations designate the beach at Stroove, County Donegal, as a bathing area for the purposes of the Quality of Bathing Waters Regulations, 1992. They also assign to the Environmental Protection Agency the function of granting departures under article 5 of the 1992 Regulations

  • Water
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 22/2001
S.I. No. 13/2001 – Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Sulphur Content of Heavy Fuel Oil and Gas Oil) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations give effect to Council Directive 1999/332/EC relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels and amending Directive 93/12/EEC.

The Regulations prohibit the use in the State of heavy fuel oils with a sulphur content exceeding 1% by mass from 1 January 2003.

The Regulations replace the ban on the marketing of gas oils with a sulphur content exceeding 0.2% by mass (in operation since 1 October, 1994) with a ban on the use of these oils. The Regulations also provide for further sulphur reduction to a content not exceeding 0.1% by mass from 1 January 2008. The Directive widens the definition of "gas oil" so that the Regulations now encompass both aviation kerosene and marine gas oils.

These Regulations replace the Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Sulphur Content of Gas Oil) Regulations, 1994 ( S.I. No. 256 of 1994 ).

  • Air, Emissions
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 13/2001
S.I. No. 12/2001 – Water Quality (Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations prescribe water quality standards in relation to certain substances in surface waters e.g. rivers, lakes, tidal waters. The substances include certain pesticides, solvents, metals. The Regulations give further effect to EU Council Directive 76/464/EC (the Dangerous Substances Directive) and give effect to certain provisions of EU Directive 2000/60/EC (the Water Framework Directive).

  • Water
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 12/2001
S.I. No. 6/2001 – European Communities (Safety Advisers For The Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations implement Council Directive 96/35/EC on the appointment and vocational qualification by examination of safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and the associated Council Directive 2000/18/EC on minimum examination requirements for safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.

The Regulations prohibit the transport of dangerous goods by road or rail by an undertaking unless it has appointed a safety adviser; In this context ‘transport of dangerous goods’ includes those who load, transport or unload dangerous goods with some exceptions inclusive of undertakings at the final delivery destination (e.g. supermarkets or petrol stations)

The safety adviser is required to fulfil specified functions including advising the undertaking who appointed him as to health, safety and environmental matters in connection with the transport of dangerous goods and the preparation of necessary reports.

A safety adviser cannot be appointed unless he holds a vocational training certificate appropriate to the modes of transport used by the undertaking and to all dangerous goods or one or more of the groups of dangerous goods specified and transported by the undertaking.

Mutual recognition of vocational training certificates issued in other member States of the European Community or in Northern Ireland is provided for;

The examinations are subject to the approval of the nominated competent authorities who arrange for the issue of the vocational training certificates.

  • Waste
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 6/2001