S.I. No. 269/2002 – Air Pollution Act 1987 (Commencement) Order 2002

This Order brings into operation, on 17 June 2002, sections 20 , 21 , 22 and 23 of the Air Pollution Act 1987 , relating to consultation by local authorities, transfer of powers and emissions.

  • Air
  • 2002
  • S.I. No. 269/2002
S.I. No. 86/2002 – Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations, 2002

These Regulations provide for the commencement and operation of the landfill levy provided for under section 72 of the Waste Management Act, 1996 , as inserted by section 11 of the Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001 . The Regulations impose the landfill levy with effect from 1 June 2002, at an initial rate of €15 per tonne of waste disposed of to landfill, specify those liable for payment of the levy and provide for the exemption from the levy of specified wastes and waste activities.

The Regulations set out procedures and time limits for the payment of levy by accountable persons, and provide for the maintenance of records and accounts, audit of relevant waste activities, procedures for the estimation of levy liability in the case of non-payment or underpayment by an accountable person, the imposition of interest on overdue levy and the recovery of levy which is due and payable.

The Regulations also provide the refund of levy in specified circumstances.

  • Waste
  • 2002
  • S.I. No. 86/2002
S.I. No. 15/2002 – Environmental Protection Agency (Selection Procedures) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002

These Regulations amend the Environmental Protection Agency (Selection Procedures) Regulations, 1992 ( S.I. No. 215 of 1992 ) so as to provide that, where the Secretary General to the Government is unable to participate in proceedings of the selection committee, the Secretary General of the Department of the Environment and Local Government shall assume the powers and duties conferred on the Secretary General to the Government by the Environmental Protection Agency (Selection Procedures) Regulations, 1992.

  • Environmental protection Agency
  • 2002
  • S.I. No. 15/2002
S.I. No. 632/2001 – European Communities (Noise Emission by Equipment For Use Outdoors) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations give effect to EU Directive 2000/14/EC on Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for use Outdoors.

The Regulations apply to 57 specified types of equipment and require a noise emission measurement to be taken and indicated on a label affixed to the equipment. In addition, noise limits are set for 22 of the 57 categories of equipment.

  • Noise
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 632/2001
S.I. No. 605/2001 – Waste Management (Environmental Levy) (Plastic Bag) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations provide for the imposition of an environmental levy on plastic bags and provide for the arrangements for the collection of the levy and specify the times at which the levy shall be paid.

These Regulations were notified to the European Commission in draft form in accordance with EU Council Directive 98/34/EC.

  • Waste
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 605/2001
S.I. No. 600/2001 – Planning and Development Regulations, 2001

Planning And Development Regulations, 2001 - Part 10 Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Environmental Impact Assessment, Planning
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 600/2001.
S.I. No. 575/2001 – Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Licensing of Industrial Plant) (Fees Amendment) Regulations, 2001
The Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Licensing of Industrial Plant) Regulations, 1988 ( S.I. No. 266 of 1988 ) are hereby amended by:-

(a) the substitution of "€126" for "£100" in article 9,
(b) the substitution of "€60" for "£50" in articles 15(2), 21 and 26 (3),
(c) the substitution of "€10" for "£10" in article 22 (1), and
(d) the substitution of "€6" for "£5" in article 37 (2).


  • Air
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 575/2001
S.I. No. 573/2001 – Local Government (Water Pollution)(Fees) Regulations, 2001

These Regulations provide for conversion to convenient euro (?) amounts of fees payable under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts. The new fees will take effect on 1 January 2002 and have in all cases been rounded down on conversion in favour of the consumer

  • Water
  • 2001
  • S.I. No. 573/2001