The overall purpose of creating the Lean Business Ireland community is to create a movement, a place and a way for people and companies in Ireland to work, share and learn together to drive national competitiveness. Our focus is to increase awareness of Lean in Ireland to improve our National performance by promoting, communicating and engaging with stakeholders nationally and internationally to make and position Ireland as a leader in Lean Enterprise Excellence – based on FACTS and achievements!

We will work to achieve this by:

  • Creating a Banner for Lean Business Ireland and communicating this effort through existing networks,
  • Demonstrating the achievements of companies and people in Ireland in an easily understood, clear graphic way,
  • Recognising and rewarding outstanding achievement in Lean and Enterprise Excellence and ensuring the achievements of people and companies in Ireland is made more public, a part of our National consciousness, to build the confidence of our people to try to be better, constantly,
  • Establishing and supporting Communities of Practice where people from specific sectors or interests can discuss and share insights and learnings, problems and solutions, with confidence.