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Lean in Europe visit to RATIONAL

Start: December 7, 2023 @ 8:00 am End: December 8, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:
germany Ireland

Our series of Lean in Europe visits is drawing to a close. We have 3 more visits scheduled.
The next visit will be to RATIONAL in Landsberg am Lech in Germany on 7 & 8 December.

RATIONAL is Germany’s “Factory of the Year” and the world-leader for multifunctional appliances used in professional kitchens used to produce 140m meals a day.

There are 20 places available for this visit, spread over two days:
– On the evening of 7 December there will be a lean discussion followed by presentations on RATIONAL’s story, customer focus and Lean processes and organisation. The evening will end with a cooking demonstration allowing participants to experience the cooking systems in operation.

– During the morning & early afternoon of 8 December participants will go on a gemba tour of 3 plants before learning about RATIONAL’s apprenticeship process. The visit will end with a debriefing.

Because the visits are ending we will prioritise giving places to people who haven’t been on Lean in Europe visits in the past. So, if you have taken part in previous visits whilst you are welcome to apply again, you may prefer to encourage a colleague / contact in another company who has not been on a visit before to do so, so that they get the chance to experience and benefit from the Lean in Europe activity.

As ever, this visit will be led by Prof. Richard Keegan (Adjunct Professor of Lean Operational Excellence, Trinity Business School and the EU-Japan Centre’s Lean Advisor).

You can find more information at https://www.eu-japan.eu/events/lean-europe-visit-31-rational

Applications must be submitted no later than 16 October via https://www.eu-japan.eu/lean-europe-visit-to-rational-application-form