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Lean Culture Benchmark: Kijun, Hansei, & Kaizen

May 5, 2022
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Midlands Lean Network

Lean Culture Benchmark: Kijun, Hansei, & Kaizen

This event is organised by the Midlands Lean Network and aims to provide an opportunity for practitioners, business owners, beginners, and enthusiasts to Learn, Share, & Network. All businesses with an interest in Lean and Operational Excellence are welcome.

We all know about Lean tools and techniques, but what about Lean Culture. Perhaps more importantly, how can we Measure it (Kijan), Reflect on It (Hansei), and Improve it (Kaizen). The Lean Culture is based on a company mission & vision, how their people live by it, and the people pillars of Leadership, Teams, & Engagement. This talk will discuss these People Pillars, how we can first observe them, then Measure them. We will then introduce steps to Reflect & Improve striving for the perfection of Organisational Ikigai!

This session will include a 30 mins presentation with Q& A followed by group discussion and networking.

May 5th @ 11am



Julie O’Sullivan

Julie O’Sullivan is a chartered business psychologist with a passion for supporting clients and organisations to be at their best. Having trained and coached leaders and teams across various industries, in Ireland and internationally, she now works as Head of People Development at Jigsaw Better Business, an award-winning Lean service provider.


Stuart Nelson

According to his clients, Stuart asks an awful lot of questions. Perhaps it is his love of Columbo, but it is likely his Coaching approach to helping people, teams and businesses be the best they can be. Stuart is a frequent speaker on the Lean Mindset and for his research and coaching program on the pillars of Lean Culture: Leadership, Team Learning, and Employee Engagement, he won the inaugural award for Contribution to Lean Learning at the Lean Business Ireland awards.


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