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Using Lean for a Competitive Edge

March 8, 2022

Using Lean for a Competitive Edge

This event is part of the Kildare Local Enterprise Week and features talks from local business owners that will give an insight into how they achieved real and tangible change using LEAN principles. On the day we will also hear from award winning Lean Coach, Stuart Nelson of Jigsaw Better Business and Robert Hernan of Enterprise Ireland and Jacqui McNabb from Kildare Local Enterprise Office, who will both discuss the many supports available.

March 8th @ 2pm

Many of us are Swans in the business world. On the surface we glide effortlessly across the water while beneath, we paddle furiously just to keep going. Many more of us are the “Mighty Oz”. All powerful and in control with the appearance of seamless automation and flow, but in reality, our teams are manually pulling levers to keep the show on the road.

Businesses across Ireland are facing these challenges head on by adopting Lean Thinking. By breaking down What They Do & How They Do It, and then focusing on what the customer actually values. Through this they identify and eliminate Waste and Inefficiency, leading to reduced costs, improved quality, and better customer service, giving them the competitive edge.

This event will provide a hands-on introduction to Lean Thinking, showing you how to spot Wastes in your processes. We will set out the many supports available to businesses to Grow Lean and hear from local businesses who will give an insight into the real and tangible change introducing LEAN principles to their business.

Brendan Pittman

Pitmann Traffic & Safety Equipment

Brendan Pittman is the managing director of Pittman Traffic and Safety Equipment which is a wholly Irish owned family run business since 1966. They supply leading edge road and protection products both in Ireland and globally.

Nessa Maguire

Sam Agus Nessa

Nessa is the founder of Sam agus Nessa which is an award winning furniture and product design company based in county Kildare, Ireland. They design and create contemporary, functional furniture and home wares utilising locally sourced, Irish materials.

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