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Origin Green: Bioecomony Webinar

October 22, 2021

Origin Green: Bioecomony Webinar

A growing global population and climate change present multifaceted challenges for the global food and drink sector. In turn, global food and drink supply chains will face disruption resulting in increased food commodity volatility and greater food insecurity. Therefore, improved resource efficiency across the length of food supply chains is needed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact.  

One important pathway for achieving improved resource use is the development of the bioeconomy.

To inform Origin Green member companies about the role they can play in supporting the bioeconomy in relation to climate action, sustainability, and innovation, Bord Bia will be joined by the BiOrbic Bioeconomy Research Centre to discuss bioeconomy opportunities, Origin Green members to discuss their bioeconomy project experience and Enterprise Ireland and the NTMA-ISIF to share bioeconomy related funding opportunities available. 

  Agenda & Speaker Details: 

  • Welcome and introduction – Deirdre Ryan, Director of Origin Green
  • Overview of the Bioeconomy and sustainability opportunities – Kevin O’Connor, Director of BiOrbic, Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre
  • Origin Green Member bioeconomy experience and lessons learn
    Bioeconomy funding supports available to Origin Green members:
  • Cathal Fitzgerald, Head of Food and Agricultural Investments NTMA-ISIF
  • Alexa Toomey, Department Manager Dairy, Beverages & Food FDI