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John Riordan: How To Lead A Remote Team

March 20, 2020
Event Category:
John Riordan has been leading fully remote teams in Ireland for years. Ask him all you need to know about going remote.

About this Event

With the onset of corona virus many businesses find themselves in a position they haven’t had time to prepare for.

John Riordan is Chairman of Shopify International Ltd., and Director of Support for Shopify. John leads a variety of different customer support teams for Shopify, including groups in Ireland, Lithuania, Sweden, Canada, Japan and the Philippines. All of John’s teams work from home, a business model he has been an evangelist for over the last 18 years in the US, UK and Ireland. John spent much of his career in the US – working for Apple, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Arise Virtual Solutions and US Airways. In 2010 John and his family returned to his hometown of Cork, Ireland where he now resides with his wife and two teenagers. John is a board member of Grow Remote and The Sanctuary Runners.

The event will be live streamed via the Grow Remote YouTube Channel at this link


During this event we will touch on areas such as the following (as much as we can within the time-frame):

  • Operations
  • Leadership
  • Employee engagement