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North East Lean Network – Manor Farm Best Practice Lean Visit

October 3, 2019
Event Category:
Manor Farm Foods Corclare
Shercock, Co Cavan A81 RH39 Ireland

North East Lean Network is delighted to announce their latest Lean Best practise visit to Manor Farm, one of Ireland’s premier Lean Operations.This visit, offers you the opportunity to gauge what operational excellence looks like, and bring this back into your business.

The event will consist of :

Manor Farm Lean Journey presentation

Factory Tour

Q & A

Numbers are limited to 25 total for this visit. In this case we are limited tickets to max. 2 per company. If booking 2 tickets please ensure both attendee names and company names are registered. This is important as our hosts must approve all attendees.

Please include shoe size in booking form

Please note, Manor Farm is a nut and chewing gum free site. Also, No mobile phones or jewellery are allowed on site.

Finally. North East Lean Network advises again, they are developing a database of people interested in their lean events. You will added details to this list, unless you ask not to be!

An understanding of manufacturing methods cannot be obtained purely from paper. By bringing your staff into lean manufacturing environments and seeing best practices conducted and clarified, you’ll gain an understanding of how to improve your own processes. During our best practice visits, established manufacturers will introduce you to a variety of sustainable, cost-efficient, highly-productive lean manufacturing principles, including six sigma techniques and operational excellence examples.

These visits give you a valuable opportunity to ask managers who have implemented change how it was done, what the challenges were, and how they were overcome. In doing so, you can map out your own strategy for continuous improvement.