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Creating Economic and Business Opportunities from Climate Change

October 9, 2019
Event Category:
Tullamore Court Hotel Ireland

This exciting conference at the Tullamore Court Hotel on Wednesday 9th of October, explores how businesses, in addressing and responding to climate change, can realise unique economic and business opportunities.

We are all very aware of the many and significant challenges climate change brings across environmental, political, societal, economic and technological dimensions. The scale and urgency of the challenges ahead cannot be underestimated. It is clear that this global scale challenge will require some fundamental transformations.

This conference will explore how responses to climate change can effectively drive innovation, creating economic and business opportunities. It will address international trends and emerging business opportunities in sectors such as energy production, advance manufacturing and sustainable tourism.

Attendees will gain insights into how a number of Irish businesses are adapting and capitalising on new opportunities, while also adapting to mitigate the effects of climate change. The conference will also showcase how businesses and communities can leverage the economic potential of the circular economy and the rise of remote working.