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Taking Care of Business 2017

November 8, 2017
Printworks Conference Centre Dublin Castle Ireland

30 State bodies and services ready to give expert help

Tánaiste and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Frances Fitzgerald TD, together with Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection Pat Breen TD, have launched an important event for existing and potential entrepreneurs called ‘Taking Care of Business’.

This free event will take place on Wednesday, 8 November in the Printworks Conference Centre in Dublin Castle.

The event is specifically targeted at people thinking of starting a business as well as small business owners and managers to help them:

  • Better understand the main regulations that affect them so that they can focus on the main task of running their business;
  • Meet experts from a broad range of public bodies in an informal setting; and
  • Find out about advice and supports that are available from the public sector.

TCOB Opening Time

The half-day event will open at 8.30am. There will be two separate strands running at the same time, with presentations from State bodies in one area and information stands manned by staff from these bodies in a separate area. The concise presentations will focus on key regulatory requirements and assistance available to help entrepreneurs develop their businesses. Experts will be available at the information stands to speak directly to attendees and answer questions. The first presentation will be at 9am.

30 State bodies, agencies and units in one location

This free initiative of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation will bring together up to 30 State bodies, agencies and units in one location; the event will be an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs, business owners and managers to learn about the broad range of advice and support that is available. This will also give attendees the chance to communicate with public bodies about their business concerns.