Lean Global Business Services

IDA Ireland is providing a Lean GBS Business Offer to our client companies with shared or global business services to enable site transformation.

IDA is keen to support its client companies to develop their operations in Ireland and to continually evolve and innovate.

This business offer is designed to encourage clients to adopt Lean and Automation business principles to increase performance and competitiveness that will help sustain and grow their Irish services operations.

Lean tools and automation techniques are helping companies across the globe to address competitiveness issues. These tools build the capability to identify problems and take an innovative approach to improvements in operations and services as well as understand the opportunity to build automation best practices into the workplace.

The Lean for GBS Business Offer [pdf 248kB] has been developed for companies primarily engaged in the provision of shared or global business services from Ireland.

LeanStart | Focus on Proof of Concept

A short in-company assignment of up to 7 days with an external consultant, to introduce Lean principles, and automation techniques including the completion of a trial automation project on a process or component thereof. Assignments typically extend over 8 weeks.

LeanPlus | Focus on Performance Improvement

A medium-scale business process improvement or automation project with an external consultant, which will result in sustained use by the company of Lean automation techniques and related methodologies and will achieve significant measurable gains in company capabilities and competitiveness. Assignments will generally take 6 months to complete.

LeanTransform | Business Transformation

An extensive, holistic company transformation programme with an external consultancy team of international reputation. It will embed the culture and competences necessary for on-going competitiveness gains, sustainable continuous improvement, functional/service diversification and business transformation across the shared or global business centre. Assignments will typically take at least 18 months to complete.


The Lean Business Offer for GBS will typically commence with a diagnostic audit of current practice and performance. Key performance indicators will be established to achieve targeted business improvement measures based on a set of Lean/automation tools and methodologies tailored to suit each client’s situation. Larger scale automation projects will be combined with a diversification and training strategy to redeploy roles affected into higher value activities.


The Lean GBS Business Offer will help to:

– Achieve savings and improvements in capability and capacity to increase company competitiveness initially through automation.

– Secure support from IDA to further develop international standards and world class operations in Ireland.

– Identify opportunities to grow and diversify functions and responsibility and the up-skilling and redeploying resources.

Cost / Funding

The Lean Business Offer for GBS will be available to all IDA Ireland clients subject to eligibility as determined by IDA Ireland. Funding from IDA to the company will depend on a number of factors, such as its size and stage of development and existing capabilities around automation and business transformation.